Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Journal #4...2nd research tool (book)

Work Cited

Golper, Lee Ann C. Sourcebook for Medical Speech Pathology(title underlined). San Diego:
Singular Publishing Group, Inc. 1992.

This resource uses data and information from texts and journals. It goes over the importance and need for medical Speech Pathology. It brings up the fact that speech problems can come from mental status and neurological problems. It explains in one chapter diagnosing and how to diagnose what is exactly wrong. Some of the information that this book goes into detail include...Communicating information and record-keeping, vital signs and physical examination, mental status and the neurological examination, nutrition and hydration, infectious diseases adn infection control, cardiac functions, radiologic and therapy, oncology and chemotherapy, surgeries and other procedures, anatomical figures, etc.
As seen in the list of information it gives, i have came to the conclusion that medical speech pathology will definitley be more of an indepth field of speech therapy. Compared to the teaching aspect if I would choose to go into the rehabilatative part I am sure that it will take much more schooling and work compared to that.

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